Investment Funds

We assist with the incorporation of BVI and Panama companies and are happy to provide director and other required services.


Innovative legal solutions for modern challenges


Investment Funds

Our clients range from investment houses in the start-up phase, to leading promoters & investment managers.

We advise on, and a number of our lawyers have been on the boards of, the full suite of investment funds, including private investment structures, JPFs, unregulated funds, listed funds, expert funds, open-ended collective investment funds and family office fund structures, across a wide range of asset classes, including Real Estate (including: commercial, residential, agriculture, forestry), hedge, Private Equity, Venture Capital, and Special Opportunities.

Services Offered

Fund Formation

Advising on the establishment of investment funds of all types.


Dealing with the transfer of existing vehicles to other jurisdictions.

Specialist fund functionary advice

Advice and assistance in connection with associated activities pertaining to fund establishment, operation or termination, such as establishment of investment management or advisory functions and managed arrangements, marketing, distribution, promotion and arranging deals.

Carry Structures

Advice and structuring of GP/ Manager carry vehicles or arrangements.


Advice and assistance with the financial services and investment fund regulatory regime, including in connection with any regulator review, liaison, intervention or dispute.

Termination and disposals

Advice and assistance on the termination of investment funds and associated regulated entities, including structuring advice, advising on cessation of business, liquidation advice and assistance.

Key Contacts


Mark Rawlins

Group Partner

+44 7829 782 955


Lizst Real

Group Partner

+507 6550 7965


Carl O’Shea

Group Partner

+44 7700 326 852
